You are nobody
You are nobody. I am nobody. We are nobody. We have nothing on our hands. We live a futile life controlled by millions of external factors. Only a meagre population is privileged to be uncontrolled by external factors and act on their will. We live our life in the hope of joining the privileged. Few are born privileged. Many of them rise to the position through their work and accomplishment in their respective field that finally gives them powers to be who they want to be.
We continue to strive hard to be somebody in this cutthroat world, to change our respect. Not everyone succeeds and not everyone who succeeds is completely free of external will. While some of our lives seem rosier and shinier when compared to the majority of the lot that scrub hard to get bread for breakfast, the difference isn't big. At least those who scrub hard are more motivated to change their lives. The 'rosier and shinier continues to live in the delusion that their lives are better. While in reality, it's not and it's completely mundane and meaningless lives one can lead. The delusion is because of the perception of "better life" attributed by materialistic accomplishments that mean nothing in the long term.
Humans are resistant to change regardless how fluent they showcase themselves to change. If one is accustomed to the "comforts achieved with basic work, he or she shall not rise above that. He gets used to it and becomes complacent. Complacency is the biggest virus to any mind that wants to grow. The first accolade it gets for any work could be a dangerous aspect. It drives the brain into assuming a sense of fake achievement and goes into a complacent mode. We have been complacent for several years now. We are so used to these mundane, stale lives that we start enjoying them after a period of time.
Don't. Break out of it. The cycle should be broken. You are destined for greatness. Never settle for simple victories. Set your eyes on bigger accomplishments, those that shall narrate a tale of your legacy, those that shall stand tall even after your time, those that shall make you privileged.
It's extremely difficult but it's not impossible.