Ramblings 1
I'm in a bad mood. I have been for a while now. I thought it would wear off if I worked or diverted myself with music. But it didn't. I'm annoyed by almost everything and the irritation gets elevated just by general repulsion to anything and everything.
My body is aching from last night's workout, guess it needs a day or two for rest. I had around 7 hours of sleep which apparently isn't enough for me as I feel sleepy as well. Combining my general irritation to my body pain and adding it with my need for sleep, I'm the volcano that's about to burst.
While the internal factors are already driving me crazy, there are external factors from people around me barging into my boundaries. I wish they would leave me alone. Even if I said that I would need space, it leads to needless frenzy and attention.
I have been falling into this zone frequently over the last few days. It’s usually at night after dinner where this sets in and makes me question my entire existence. I feel better the next morning and I carry on with it as normal. Guess, last night’s irritation is refusing to wear off. Wish I didn’t need to be in such an annoying mood.