Persona (1966)
So, I watched Dir. Ingmar Bergman’s 1966 swedish film "Persona".
I admire art cinema films and the directors, unfortunately I lacked the taste buds to actually consume it. I have consumed only a few of them and maybe I judged it too early that I lack the taste buds to appreciate it. Persona is considered the Mt. Everest of art cinema for its treatment and tonality, rightfully so. Watching it yesterday, it was a unique experience that left me with many questions rather than answers, not complaining.
Persona is a psychological thriller mystery about an actress who lapses into total silence and the nurse who comes to care take the artist. The story is seemingly simple, an actress has gone silent and there's a care taker and their subsequent connection forms the crux of the movie. Why she went silent was the biggest intrigue for me to continue watching the film. The movie consequently unraveled certain more mysteries that kept me hooked on actually finding what the director is trying to convey, a mini puzzle if you may call.
The connection between the actress and the nurse was natural. For a short while though, it felt like watching two friends on a holiday picnic. The way the nurse opens up to the actress on her deepest darkest secret, the guilt that she carries on and her desire to be listened to, it was done very well. I particularly admired a couple of dialogues in this portion. The movie takes a diversion shortly after and is not the same thereafter.
We continue to wonder the actions of the actress and the nurse. The relationship between them as well isn't completely smooth, one moment nurse hates the actress and the next she's begging for her to forgive. The constant duality of the characters was a mystery in itself.
The final 15-20 minutes takes another dicey turn that will leave you completely puzzled as to what you've watched, the sad part of it is you don't have an answer, the fun part is you don't need one.
We are told as to a reason why the actress has gone silent. However, there remains many other questions unattended. It’s left to the interpretation of the viewers. One can assume it was all in her head or it was actually the role reversal that was taking place, plenty of versions. Every theory sits well and every theory can be rejected.
Persona is indeed indecipherable and depressing but is a must watch for off beat film lovers.