I don’t care

James Carnival
2 min readSep 11, 2019


Handling one’s emotion is a task that only the desired person can take care of. No amount of advice can heal one’s emotions. And handling the same is never an easy job. This is the reason kids cry frequently than the adults as they are unwary on how to handle complex emotions. As we grow, we tend to experience a lot of difficult and never before situations that stimulate a lot of mixed emotions as a consequence of which brain registers the way on how to react during certain situations.

We unusually see certain adults who react a lot for certain situations that don’t demand much and we also see a few who hardly react for situations that required more from them. Both are the results of being in a complex situation never before and being exploited by the same and both of them aren’t how a normal adult must be.

The major drawback of handling our emotions is that there’s not a defined way or measure on how one must react. A burst of loud laughter in case of a small win or drenching the kerchief for even smaller things are sometimes considered to be an exaggeration and “Showing off” but it’s not. Perspectives and situations are what it matters. One might have been through similar situations for umpteen times as a result of which he might hardly emote while it wouldn’t be the same reaction from another person who might have faced it for the first time in his life.

Leaving out all these situations, perception, exaggeration and every next thing to handling an emotion, the most dangerous thing, in this case, is becoming unreactive. A section of people goes through a lot of turbulence of emotions due to their personal and professional stress. As it grows upon them, they tend to choose “I don’t care” as their default reaction to any problem. They reason out it as “I was not like this before”, “people exploited my care for them” “I Don't Wanna hurt myself again” and many other complaints that dodge over their inability to differentiate on how to react to whom.

Despite the emotions being the instant reaction to one’s situation, an individual needs to be proactive in how to react in that particular instance. Though it might look improbable to analyze the situation and consequences of reacting in a certain way, it surely saves a lot of negative results that one might face post reacting.

Emotions are meant to be maintained, neither to be restricted nor to be overflown.



James Carnival
James Carnival

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