An article that I planned to write before 14 days

James Carnival
3 min readNov 13, 2019


I used to write short poems or quotes occasionally that strikes my mind at times. Extending that habit, I have written 2 articles on some random thoughts that I got. Feeling good over the minuscule reception, I planned to write my third article ten days back. Having said that, it has taken me 10 days to pen it down. To be precise, I got the “thought” that I was to write 14 days back. It took me 4 days to prepare my self to write it down and it has taken further 10 more days to actually write it. But Why?

Let me frame the reasons into 2 parts, Internal and External hindrances. External hindrances are those factors from outside that stands as an obstacle for me to write. Work occupies the maximum while other appointments and meet-ups occupy a fair share. There’s nothing you can do about these types of hindrances as most of them are unavoidable.

Coming to Internal Hindrances, Internal hindrances are those factors that stop me from writing or to be accurate factors that don’t encourage me to write. The laziness occupies the major share while being tired due to external works makes for a fair amount of share while “Not in the mood” accounts for the remaining. Regardless of these, there is one other important “thing” which we don’t consider it a lot but does really make us ineffective. Before diving into it the first said internal factors might look silly and one would consider it as ineptness, but honestly they aren’t so and overcoming them requires a special power which is yet to be acquired.

Before proceeding further, I have a question for you and an incident to share. Fine, let me ask the question later. Here goes the incident, It was Friday evening. An important task was due on Monday for which I had brought the testing machine to home for work. Since it was Friday, the weekend mood prevented me from opening the machine. I slept watching some random movie and on Saturday I had planned a meet with my friends. On Saturday morning, I planned to work at night after coming back. Saturday passed away even faster and due to tiredness and due to the “thing”, I couldn’t work. It was Sunday, slowly I became panicky over the deadline. Yet, I slept till 12 pm. Planning to work after lunch, I slept for another 2 hours before finally opening the machine at 4 PM on Sunday. Only to be put in sleep in 10 minutes and planning to work at night, I did work at night finally and was able to escape on Monday.

On close analysis of my behavior, one would find something common in all these incidents that I shared and would find it bizarre for not breaking the “thing”. Yes, it’s intentional, without further postponement, the “thing” that I am talking about is “Procrastination”. Moment of realization, right? But why have I been postponing to break the “thing”. There were 4 instances of procrastination totally of which 2 are intentional. Let me rearrange the instances, One, I procrastinated for over 2 days before I started my work on Sunday evening. Two, Feeling bad about the “thing” and planning to write about it and again procrastinating for 14 days before actually writing. Three and four are an intentional postponement to go by the theme of procrastination.

I made a mention about the “thing” while discussing internal hindrances but proceeded to narrate my incident before breaking it and intentionally postponing the “question” to later part to make another reference of procrastination. Well, it really looks clumsy and totally messed up as it’s obvious that you might be wondering about what the article aims to say. It could have been a short quote but glad I gotta really appreciate my writing skill to have written this piece which keeps on procrastinating without actually saying the “thing”. Yet another instance of procrastination.

So, this is it. If a task can be done in 10 minutes, it can be done right now. If it requires more than that, Plan before you do and make sure to get rid of unwanted commitments. Set some personal rewards on successful completion of the job and thus be ambitious to accomplish the task.

Good Luck!



James Carnival
James Carnival

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