An apple and a tomato

James Carnival
Mar 26, 2024


I see an apple
You see a tomato
I could be right?
you could be correct?
What if both are right?
Impossible, isn't it?
What if both are wrong?
Possible, isn't it?

Why is it apple?
'cause it's red
Why is it a tomato?
'cause it's plumpy
Aren't tomatoes hard?
Aren't apples plumpy?
Rules are fuzzy

To see what you believe
Is not what is true.
To believe what you see
Is truly ignorant.
Perception is a witch,
Apple can be a tomato
Tomato can be an apple.

Presumptions may cause diversion
Perceptions are treacherous
Truth is far from what you see
Truth is not what is present
Truth is to question what seems true!

- JC



James Carnival
James Carnival

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